YCMOU Repeater Exam
Questions and Answers
- When to fill repeater exam form?
You can fill repeater exam form before main exam and in October November. The repeater exam form link start before 2 months ago. It means suppose you want to give exam B.A.1 you can fill up form in November or in march. Repeater forms may not be filled at with regular admission. A separate link for the repeater exam form was activated before the exam.
- When is the repeater exam?
The repeater papers are with regular exam (May-June) and some papers are in December-January. Suppose you have M .A. For the first and third semester papers, you have to fill out the form in November and the exam is in January. The second and fourth semesters have to be filled out in March and the exam is due in May.
- What is the exam fee for the repeater exam?
The examination fee is Rs.500 for one or more papers.
- How to fill out a repeater form?
You have to fill out the repeater form online. The link to fill the form begins two months before the exam. We can see if the form starts or not with your PRN number.If you want to check forms status Watch the video below for more information.
Can we give repeater exam if we no paper given in last year?
YES.The repeater exam can be given. No need for new admissions. All the remaining papers can be given. Also you can be admitted next year and complete your back subject ant current subject.
- How to pay repeater examination fees?
Repeater exam fees paid only online. Yo can use Internet Banking, Debit card and credit card for payment. If you have not bank Account you can use others bank account.
- Where can I Get a PRN Number?
A PRN number is a Permanent Registration Number. For any admission to Ycmou, hall tickets are required to fill the repeater form, to see the result.You will find the PRN number on the admission form, payment receipt, mark list, hall ticket etc.
- After filling the repeater examination form, does the print have to be submitted to the study centre?
Not at all. No need to submit. Since you have already been admitted, there is no need to submit the form at the study center during the repeater exam.
- When does the Hall Ticket come after filling the repeater exam form?
Hall tickets have to be printed online. It is available to you a month before the exam. Hall tickets contain information about the subject of the exam, the date of the exam, the time of the exam, the exam center.
- Do I have to submit back again Home Assignment for a repeater exam?
No.There is no need to resubmit, If you already home assignment is submitted to the college. The marks given at that time are counted in your total marks
In this post I have tried to answer some questions about the YCMOU repeater exam. If you have any further questions or doubts, be sure to comment in the comment box. Will try to answer them.